ХӀара йаззам Википеди чуьра бу — маьрша энциклопеди
яп. 愛媛県
ЦӀе тиллина сийдина
Шатлакхан илли
Ehime no Uta
Коьрта гӀала
Административан-мехкан дакъа
Сахьтан аса
UTC+9:00 , JST
Ассоциированный избирательный округ
Ehime at-large district , Ehime 1st District , Ehime 2nd district , Ehime 3rd district , Ehime 4th district
Находится в акватории или на берегу водоёма
Внутреннее Японское море , Ува (море)
Наивысшая точка
Должность главы правительства
губернатор префектуры Эхиме
Правительствон корта
Токихиро Накамура [ 2]
Исполнительная власть
Ehime prefectural government
Законодательный орган
Ehime Prefectural Assembly
Организационно-правовая форма
ординарные местные государственные организации
Административан йекъало
Мацуяма , Имабари , Увадзима , Яватахама , Ниихама , Сайдзё , Одзу (гӀала) , Иё (гӀала) , Сикокутюо , Сейё , Тоон , Округ Ойчи , Камиукена , Iyo district , Округ Кита , Округ Нишийува , Округ Китаува , Округ Минамийува, Ейме
Гавайи [ 4] , Шэньси [ 5]
Долахь ю
Ehime Prefectural Road Route 245 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 255 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 244 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 257 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 259 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 24 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 256 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 263 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 265 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 261 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 25 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 278 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 27 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 26 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 277 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 298 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 29 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 28 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 292 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 30 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 308 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 301 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 303 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 316 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 317 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 312 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 314 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 320 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 32 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 31 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 325 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 333 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 334 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 330 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 331 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 343 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 344 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 335 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 33 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 35 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 36 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 347 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 34 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 39 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 40 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 37 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 38 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 44 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 43 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 42 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 41 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 46 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 48 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 45 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 47 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 52 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 51 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 50 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 49 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 54 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 56 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 53 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 55 , Ehime Prefectural Road and Kochi Prefectural Road Route 383 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 57 , Ehime Prefectural Road and Kochi Prefectural Road Route 2 , Ehime Prefectural Road and Kochi Prefectural Road Route 5 , Kagawa Prefectural Road and Ehime Prefectural Road Route 9 , Kochi Prefectural Road and Ehime Prefectural Road Route 4 , Kochi Prefectural Road and Ehime Prefectural Road Route 7 , Kochi Prefectural Road and Ehime Prefectural Road Route 107 , Kochi Prefectural Road and Ehime Prefectural Road Route 106 , Kochi Prefectural Road and Ehime Prefectural Road Route 6 , Kochi Prefectural Road and Ehime Prefectural Road Route 8 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 193 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 194 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 214 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 149 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 124 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 137 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 123 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 11 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 153 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 14 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 12 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 13 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 162 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 174 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 156 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 15 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 17 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 184 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 16 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 183 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 190 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 191 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 186 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 18 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 19 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 206 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 196 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 197 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 21 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 212 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 209 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 20 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 230 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 234 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 229 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 22 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 241 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 23 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 235 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 237 , Ehime Prefectural Road Route 242
Дозанаш ду
Токусима (префектура) , Коти (префектура) , Кагава (префектура) , Хиросима (префектура)
Занимает ту же территорию с
Метта хилла
Ishizuchi Prefecture , Kamiyama Prefecture , Кагава (префектура)
Язык общения
Iyo dialect
Официалан сайт
pref.ehime.jp (яп.) (ингалс.) (кор.)
Официальный символ
C. unshiu [ 6] , Бага (дитт) [ 6] , L. akahige [ 6] , L. nippon [ 6] , P. major [ 6]
Экономика темы
economy of Ehime prefecture
Уровень приближения OpenStreetMap
Викиларми чохь медиафайлаш
Эхиме (яп. 愛媛県 ? ) — Японин Сикоку регионехь йолу префектура[ 7] .
Административан центр - Мацуяма .
Префектурехь ю 7 уезд, царна йукъахь ю 20 муниципалитет[ 8]
Префектура лаьтташ йу Сикоку гӀайренан тӀехь. Майда 5 676,44 км²[ 9] .
Бахархойн дукхалла 1 март 2021[ 3] 1 321 580
2019 шарахь 1 493 126 бахархой бара[ 10] . Луьсталла 1 км²-га 1 км²-га 263 стаг[ 11] .
Япония: Справочник / Составители: В. Н. Ерёмин, К. О. Саркисов, А. И. Сенаторов; Под общ. ред. Г. Ф. Кима, К. О. Саркисова, А. И. Сенаторова. — М.: Республика, 1992. — 544 с. — 50 000 экз. — ISBN 5-250-01254-X